
We all have an origin story… Mine began a long time ago in a galaxy far away on mom’s old typewriter– this very one, in fact. I wrote elementary-school stories, some better than others, but most were consigned to the trash heap long ago. Managing to mangle the keys by jamming them up made a painful process even slower by my lack of typing skills. And then, always a typo. Rip the dang sheet out, ball it into the wastebasket, and try again. Discover that amazing typo saver: Wite-Out! Load a new sheet. Fumble the keys. Repeat. By the time I got to high school, I set aside stories for angsty, brooding poetry. By the time I finished my senior college term paper, an endeavor that sucked all the joy from my soul and fiendishly devoured months of my time and social life, I packed away my word processor, tucked away my pens, and ceased dreaming of writing… until, one day, having finished my one and only marathon in the hauntingly gorgeous, desert southwest of Utah, I thought, now what? Then, I began to dream again. Then, I began to write.